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UtCharset Struct Reference

Contains informations about a charset. More...

#include <ut_charset.h>

Collaboration diagram for UtCharset:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

char * name
 Standard name of the charset.
char * alias
 Other name (TODO: make an array.).
char * common_name
 Friendly name for non-geek users.
char * comment
 Friendly comment for non-geek users.
UtCharsetType type
 Type of the charset.
ushort * unicode
 Unicode charmap array (on 16 bits!).
 Character description arra.
u_char * language
 Coefficients array of size ut_session->language.n .
u_char * system
 Coefficients array of size ut_session->system.n .

Detailed Description

Contains informations about a charset.

This structure is used to describe a charset. It is stocked as an array in UtSession::charset. This array is created from file charsets.dat by ut_load_charsets() (called in ut_init()); it is destroyed in ut_finish().

Definition at line 129 of file ut_charset.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Feb 25 18:30:18 2005 for Utrac by  doxygen 1.3.9